Our 'insider' at Professional Game Match Officials Board (pgMOB) informed us that this last weekend was an attempt to defuse focus on Premier League referees after the controversies surrounding Mike Dean mugging Arsenal yet again last weekend - Arsenal fans have a 100,000 strong petition to ensure that Dean never abuses Gunners again - the motion will now be put forward for debate in parliament!
Strangely enough, the last occasion that there was major refereeing controversy in EPL, the same top-down lesson was given to officials to avoid all potential match-changing decisions in the following round of games.
The pgMOB don't apply the rules of the game...
... their template of performance is something else entirely.
In the nine EPL games to date we have seen just two penalties (one of which was entirely irrelevant as Swansea were 0-3 down with 7 minutes to go).
But 4 of the 5 goals in the Tottenham v Manchester City game were offside which, although not changing the outcome, brought into further doubt the abilities of the pgMOB Select Group (sic) of referees.
As offside decisions may be determined instantly via video technology why is such technology not utilised?
Arsenal v Liverpool, Man Utd v Newcastle and Liverpool v Bournemouth are other early season examples of incorrect offside decisions impacting upon match outcomes.
Interesting that the collection of offsides at White Hart Lane have disappeared into the mainstream media black hole of 'right to be forgotten'.
Why are our compromised msm so protective of our inadequate, and in some cases corrupt, officials?
And what is it with the officiating in Spurs v Man City games - it was the radical refereeing of Jon Moss in the 4 penalty saga in Manchester last season that initiated MOBGATE (http://footballisfixed.blogspot.co.uk/2015/06/mobgate-6.html)?